On Tuesday 6 March, it was reported that the Maersk Line Container Vessel caught fire in the Arabian Sea on its route from Singapore to the Suez Canal.The Maersk Honam reported an explosion and subsequent fire. After receiving a distress signal, safety was sent and 23 crew members were safely evacuated to a nearby vessel. Unfortunately, four crew members are still missing.While the cause of the fire is currently unknown, the Maersk Line will investigate the matter thoroughly in cooperation with all relevant authorities. Chief Operating Officer and member of the executive board of AP Moller-Maersk, Soren Tof said the company would “continue to offer support for the evacuated crew while the search continues.”The vessel carrying 7,860 containers was on a regular rotational voyage calling at ports Malta, Sain, Italy, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Based on the information provided and the practice of transhipping freight from Australia via Singapore, it is possible nti customers have cargo on board. These customers will be contacted directly.

The emotional and financial impact to those directly involved, related to or externally affected by this unfortunate incident is major. Not only were lives put at risk and lost, the companies, businesses and individuals sending cargo will also be financially impacted.Online Sellers Insurance would like to take this opportunity to send our thoughts and deepest sympathy to all crew members and families.Let this be a huge reminder to ensure that you and your business are always prepared for unplanned incidents like. We do not like to see the impact it has on those on board and the people and businesses this will affect.If you would like to chat to Online Sellers Insurance further and ensure that you are protected from the unknown, get in contact with us today.Source thanks to Sky News&Maersk Line